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- 1 gosub60000
- 5 rem **** life expectancy quiz
- 6 :
- 10 rem *** copyright 1983
- 20 rem *** by john orban
- 21 rem *** translated for the commodore
- 22 rem *** by donna k. woody
- 23 :
- 24 poke53280,3:poke53281,0:print"[158]":poke53272,23:printchr$(8)
- 25 v$=""
- 26 :
- 30 print"[147]"tab(18)"[204][201][198][197]"
- 40 print""tab(15)"[197][216][208][197][195][212][193][206][195][217]"
- 50 print""tab(18)"[209][213][201][218]"
- 60 print"":fori=1to19:print"]";:next
- 70 fori=20to40:print"[";:next
- 90 print" [193]n [193]nalysis -- [204]ongevity vs [204]ifestyle"
- 100 print" [200]ow long will ** you ** live?"
- 120 print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to begin program....";
- 130 geta$:ifa$=""then130
- 140 goto210
- 150 geta$:ifa$=""then150
- 160 ifa$<>"n"anda$<>"[206]"anda$<>"y"anda$<>"[217]"goto150
- 170 return
- 180 print"[147] [204][201][198][197] [197][216][208][197][195][212][193][206][195][217]"
- 190 print""tab(19);a
- 200 return
- 210 print"[147]":a=72:gosub180
- 220 printv$"[193]re you male (m) or female (f)?"
- 230 getb$:ifb$=""then230
- 240 ifb$<>"m"andb$<>"[205]"andb$<>"f"andb$<>"[198]"then230
- 250 ifb$="m"orb$="[205]"thena=a-3:goto270
- 260 a=a+4
- 270 gosub180
- 280 printv$"[196]o you live in a city of over 2 million population (y/n)?"
- 290 gosub150
- 300 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a-2
- 310 gosub180
- 320 printv$"[196]o you live in a town under 10,000 pop- ulation or on a farm (y/n)?"
- 330 gosub150
- 340 ifa$="[217]"ora$="y"thena=a+2
- 350 gosub180
- 360 printv$"[196]o you work behind a desk (y/n)?"
- 370 gosub150
- 380 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a-3
- 390 gosub180
- 400 printv$"[196]oes your work require regular, heavy physical labor (y/n)?"
- 410 gosub150
- 420 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a+3
- 430 gosub180
- 440 printv$"[196]o you exercise strenuously (tennis,"
- 445 print"running, swimming, etc.) 5 times a week for at least 1/2 hour (y/n)?"
- 450 gosub150
- 460 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a+2
- 470 gosub180
- 480 printv$"[196]o you live with a spouse or friend (y/n)?"
- 490 gosub150
- 500 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a+5:goto560
- 510 print"[145][145][200]ow many years have you lived alone since age 25?"
- 512 print"(1) 1-10 years (2) 11-20 years (3) 21+ years";
- 520 getb$:ifb$=""then520
- 525 ifval(b$)<1orval(b$)>3then520
- 530 b=val(b$)
- 540 a=a-b
- 550 goto560
- 560 gosub180
- 570 printv$"[196]o you sleep more than 10 hours each night (y/n)?"
- 580 gosub150
- 590 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a-4
- 600 gosub180
- 610 printv$"[193]re you intense, agressive, easily angered (y/n)?"
- 620 gosub150
- 630 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a-3
- 640 gosub180
- 650 printv$"[193]re you usually easy-going and relaxed (y/n)?"
- 660 gosub150
- 670 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a+3
- 680 gosub180
- 690 printv$"[193]re you h[146]appy or u[146]nhappy (h/u)?"
- 700 geta$:ifa$=""then700
- 710 ifa$<>"h"anda$<>"[200]"anda$<>"u"anda$<>"[213]"thengoto700
- 720 ifa$="h"ora$="[200]"thena=a+1:goto740
- 730 a=a-2
- 740 gosub180
- 750 printv$"[200]ave you had a speeding ticket in the last year (y/n)?"
- 760 gosub150
- 770 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a-1
- 780 gosub180
- 790 printv$"[196]o you earn over $50,000 per year (y/n)?"
- 800 gosub150
- 810 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a-2
- 820 gosub180
- 830 printv$"[193]re you a college graduate (y/n)?"
- 840 gosub150
- 850 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a+1
- 860 gosub180
- 870 printv$"[196]o you have a graduate or professional degree (y/n)?"
- 880 gosub150
- 890 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a+2
- 900 gosub180
- 910 printv$"[193]re you over 65 and still working (y/n)?"
- 920 gosub150
- 930 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a+3
- 940 gosub180
- 950 printv$"[196]id any of your grandparents live to age 85 (y/n)?"
- 960 gosub150
- 970 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a+2
- 980 gosub180
- 990 printv$"[196]id either of your parents die of a"
- 995 print"stroke or heart attack before age 50 (y/n)?"
- 1000 gosub150
- 1010 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a-4
- 1020 gosub180
- 1030 printv$"[196]oes/did any parent, brother/sister"
- 1032 print"under 50 have/had cancer, heart condi-"
- 1034 print"tion or has/had diabetes since child- hood (y/n)?"
- 1040 gosub150
- 1050 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thena=a-3
- 1060 gosub180
- 1070 printleft$(v$,7)"[200]ow many packs of cigarettes per day to do you smoke?"
- 1080 print"(0) ===> [206]one":print"(1) ==> 1/2 - 1":print"(2) ==> 1 - 2"
- 1090 print"(3) ==> [205]ore than 2"
- 1100 getb$:ifb$=""then1100
- 1102 ifb$<>"0"andb$<>"1"andb$<>"2"andb$<>"3"then1100
- 1110 b=val(b$)
- 1120 ifb=0thengoto1150
- 1130 ifb=3thena=a-8:goto1150
- 1140 a=a-(b*3)
- 1150 gosub180
- 1160 printv$"[196]o you drink the equivalant of a quart bottle of liquor a day (y/n)?"
- 1170 gosub150
- 1190 gosub180
- 1200 printv$"[193]re you overweight (y/n)?"
- 1210 gosub150
- 1220 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"thengoto1300
- 1230 print"[145][145][145][194]y how much? "
- 1232 print"(1) ==> 50+ lbs ":print"(2) ==> 30-50 lbs"
- 1234 :print"(3) ==> 30 lbs or less"
- 1250 getb$:ifb$=""then1250
- 1252 ifval(b$)<1orval(b$)>3then1250
- 1260 b=val(b$)
- 1270 ifb=1thena=a-8:goto1300
- 1280 ifb=2thena=a-4:goto1300
- 1290 a=a-2
- 1300 gosub180
- 1310 printv$"[193]re you over 40 and do you have a yearlycheckup (y/n)?"
- 1320 gosub150
- 1330 ifa$="[217]"ora$="y"thena=a+2
- 1340 gosub180
- 1350 fori=1to1000:next
- 1360 print"[147]"
- 1370 printtab(15)"[193]ge [193]djustment"
- 1380 printtab(7)"[201]f you are:"tab(30)"[208]ress:"
- 1390 print" [194]etween 30 and 40"tab(32)"1"
- 1400 print" [194]etween 40 and 50"tab(32)"2"
- 1410 print" [194]etween 50 and 70"tab(32)"3"
- 1420 print" [207]ver 70"tab(32)"4"
- 1430 print" [206]one of the above"tab(32)"5"
- 1440 getb$:ifb$=""then1440
- 1442 ifval(b$)<1orval(b$)>5then1440
- 1450 b=val(b$)
- 1460 ifb<>5thena=a+b+1
- 1470 gosub180
- 1480 print""
- 1490 print" [217]our life expectancy is ";a"[146]"
- 1510 print"[200]ow well have you done? [212]he following"
- 1520 print"chart tells what percent of the pop-"
- 1522 print"ulation you will outlive if you make it"
- 1524 print"to your life expectancy."
- 1530 print"[193]ge 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95"
- 1540 print"[205]en 26% 36% 48% 61% 75% 87% 96% 99%"
- 1550 print"[215]omen 15% 20% 30% 39% 53% 70% 88% 97%"
- 1555 print" [208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue";
- 1557 getk$:ifk$=""then1557
- 1560 print"[147][206]ow try it again and see what happens"
- 1562 print"if you change just a few of your life- style habits."
- 1570 print"[196]o you want to run the program again (y/n)?"
- 1580 getk$:ifk$=""then1580
- 1590 ifk$="y"ork$="[217]"thengoto5
- 1600 ifk$="n"ork$="[206]"then63000
- 1610 goto1580
- 1700 :
- 60000 t$=" ":c=0:c$="":print"[147]":poke53281,0
- 60030 printspc(9)""t$:printspc(9)" [204]ife [197]xpectancy [209]uiz [146]"
- 60051 printspc(9)""t$:print:printtab(18)"by"
- 60060 print:printspc(14)"[202]ohn [207]rban"
- 60070 print:printspc(12)"[195]opyright 1985"
- 60080 print:print:print:print" [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] is not public domain."
- 60090 print:print" [208]lease respect the author's rights."
- 60100 print:print" [208]ress space bar to continue."
- 60110 forcc=1to48:getk$:ifk$=" "then60130
- 60120 ifcc=1thenprintmid$(c$,c+2,1)"[145][145]";:c=not(c)
- 60125 next:goto60100
- 60130 printc$:return
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end